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explainingv.讲解,解释( explain的现在分词 ); 说明…的原因,辩解; 说明,解释,辩解; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:

1.China’s economic structure is a major factor in explaining the phenomenon. 这个现象,可以从中国的经济结构中获得解释。

2.The statistics bureau had stopped publishing gini data in 2001, explaining that national income figures were incomplete. 国家统计局从2001年起停止发表基尼系数,该局对此提供的解释就是国民收入数据不完整。




我们的友谊能容易解释 英文怎么说

  • its very easy to explain our friendship 这么说对吗
  • 非常正确。。。


爱屋及乌的英文解释为Love me ,love my dog。


1、 I will have to bring Victor Love me love my dog。


2、Jessie: Is that what they say love me love my dog。


3、Love me love my dog, join us, enjoy your life。


法律解释英文用一般现在时。用以阐述道理,确立规范或规定权利、义务等。另一方面表示应当、必须等义务或职责的法律规定时,在第三人称主语后使用shall和be to结构。时态是一种动词形式,不同的时态用以表示不同的时间与方式。它是表示行为、动作、状态在各种时间条件下的动词形式。在语法里,时或时态表示行为发生的时间和说话时的关系。一般分为过去式、现在式、将来式,通常也有与表示动作进行或终止的进行式和完成式等体貌一起相连用的情况。






5、 北京市商业银行,缩写:BCCB,搞笑解释:“白存存不?”


7、 兴业银行,缩写:CIB,搞笑解释:“存一百!”

8、 汇丰银行,缩写:HSBC,搞笑解释:“还是不存“

需要在英文论文中解释DNA和cDNA,找到Myriad case中一段话,求语句转换(Paraphrase)!

  • Each human gene is encoded asdeoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), which takes the shape of a “double helix.” Each“cross-bar” in that helix consists of two chemically joine缉粻光救叱嚼癸楔含盲d nucleotides.Sequences of DNA nucleotides contain the information necessary to createstrings of amino acids used to build proteins in the body. The nucleotides thatcode for amino acids are “exons,” and those that do not are “introns.”Scientists can extract DNA from cells to isolate specific segments for study.They can also synthetically create exons-only strands of nucleotides known ascomposite DNA (cDNA). cDNA contains only the exons that occur in DNA, omittingthe intervening introns.
  • 热心网友 02:11

英文翻译 解释

  • Seven tips to Prolong your ACER Aspire V5 laptop battery life 1. Please recharge when power left less than 5%. Dont wait run out and then recharge.2. Try Li-ion ACER Aspire V5 battery for your laptop. It can work long time than Non Li-Ion one. 3. Keep your laptop defragmentation regularly to prolong the laptop battery life. 4. Use some hard drive and optical drive spin-down software to reduce the power consumpition of laptop.5. When long time without using laptop, Keep it in standby or sleep mode. It can both save the power and extend the ACER Aspire V5 notebook battery life. 6. Store your battery in a cool and dry place when dont use.7. If you usually keep your laptop plugged in fixed power or rarely use it. Please take down your battery. If not, it will hurt the battery life.
  • 不知到你要的不解释是一个句子还是在句子中的一个词不解释(祈使句) Dont explain ! (句中词组)Not explain never explain it (这也是个句子) No explaination. (短语,没有解释)


  • Why did the raccoon cross the road? He didnt, he got hit by a car.这个英文笑话貌似有一些背景知识才能理解,那么烦请懂得的人讲解一下
  • raccoon前面三个字母是car


  • About 50% of the people in the management position aren’t adding value in anyone’s point of view.我第一反应是“大约有一半的管理者在所有人看来都没什么用”。好像不对哦。。。
  • 大约50%的管理职位不添加任何人的价值观点的人。


  • the two individuals were able to pick up their target objects forty-three to sixty-six percent of the time.这里怎么可以直接加forty-three to sixty-six percent of the time? 是做什么成份呢。求解~~
  • 应该是做时间状语吧,就是43%到66%的时间。。

英文解释中文 classestartat3oclock

  • 翻译:三点开始上课。
